Ajijic History and Its People

Malecón Ajijic
Malecón Ajijic

What we know today as the popular destination named Ajijic, was once nothing more than a sleepy little fishing village not many people knew about. Founded in 1531, its name comes from the Nahuatl Axixic which means “where the water spills” or “where the water springs”, and it is one of the oldest towns in Mexico.

Ajijic was considered a “Pueblo Mágico” long before it got its official title in 2020. It has always been a magnet for foreign artists since the 1890s, and has also produced its very own famous local artists throughout the years. Each decade, a new set of foreigners from different places and by different circumstances would arrive and fall in love with the area, but it always retained only a small circle of especially eclectic characters.

Casa de la Rusa
Casa de la Rusa

One example of such characters is Zara Alexeyewa known as “La Rusa” – “The Russian” who was well known by locals who would always have an interesting story to tell about her and her extravagant ways. Sylvia Salmi, another famous character and a world-known photographer, loved throwing riotous parties filling her home, located on the corner of Colón and Zaragoza, with friends wearing that flair of the bohemian flavor of the time – artists, actors, beat poets, and such. There are so many stories about so many interesting foreigners and locals that have been part of Ajijic and its history making. There has always been a strong connection between foreigners and locals that historically have created bonds that have lasted generations. Ajijic has always had a something special and magical about the area and its energy.

As the years go by, Ajijic becomes more and more popular amongst foreigners, not only from the US and Canada, but also from around the world. The locals, being as accommodating and friendly as they naturally are, make Ajijic an open and welcoming community. It is also a place that still holds its rustic charm and beauty that once attracted those early visitors from the last century despite the new and more modern developments around town.

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